Sewer Issues
Property Owners Responsibilities
If your sewer line is plugged, the following steps must be taken if contacting the Village.
- Try calling a plumber. The village does have a snake that can be borrowed if needed.
- Call Tiger Contracting or HPC to flush the line, as line maintenance is the owner’s responsibility. See Sections 4.6 Utility Bylaw #14-01 (2014) for any exceptions.
- The village will check manholes in the area if possible to do so.
- If the plumber says the problem is on village property (which is normally what they say), the village will evaluate the situation.
- If Public Works agrees that it is on village property, then work will be done to remedy the situation as soon as possible.
- If Public Works disagrees, then no work will be done without evidence.
- Evidence can be found by camera work to the line. The village does have access to a camera.
- Since the camera is shared, it could take significant time to organize a time that works for all parties.
- A form must be filled out at the Village Office.
- The village must receive 24 hours’ notice to organize staff work days for camera work.
- The line must be flushed before camera work for an accurate reading of the line conditions. If the camera is used in an unclean line, Public Works and Administration reserve the right to use judgement to determine the shape of the line.
- If a private camera is used, preference is to contact the village so that someone can be present to confirm the findings. If not possible, a picture showing length of line and the problem must be presented to the village. The village still reserves the right to do their own inspection.
- The camera is not a snake. If there is a blockage or partial blockage in the line, Public Works will mark it and end the inspection.
- Keep in mind that depth, bends, and location of cleanout will affect length. If the problem is found X number of meters out, you cannot measure from the building to the property line and state whose problem it is. Your sewer line may go down a few feet first, or have some bends in it before it reaches the property line.